Design recipe and email

Now you're ready for the best part, custom designing the recipe you're going to use. In order to do this, you are going to have to decide on the "line of best fit" possible with the specific salts you have decided to work with. It is going to involve a bit of trial and error. The results of any change you make will be displayed in real time on the right side of the page so you will be able to get any recipe tweaked to your satisfaction.

In this example, a fictitious ABC blended fertilizer is being added at a trial rate of 630 g per 1000 litres at the sprinkler head. The results this has on the recipe are displayed to the right. If a certain element is not at the desired level, the number will need to be adjusted. The process is repeated for each salt the user wants included in a given recipe. Once the recipe is done, sinply press the export icon and your results will be ready to email or print to hard copy. It's that easy! With FertCalculator® the control is yours!